~Of Bluebirds Roses and Christmas~

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Merry Christmas!! I am just delighted that so many of you have visited already, and that you are excited about Christmas too!! How wonderful it will be to talk about Christmas with all of you kindred spirits!! :)

Today being Sunday, I thought I'd share this little church. This is the first village piece I ever painted. It must have been about twenty years ago. My mom and I bought them at the craft store, and decided to paint them (we were both quite the beginners at the time, but we'd try about anything!!) I love little villages; it's like looking into a magical perfect world!! Here's another piece I painted later, it's Mrs. Claus' Sweet Shoppe! Mmmmmm........

I wanted to comment on your comments about my first Christmas photo I shared below. When I was a little girl, I would look at that photo and think how Santa looked so odd -- I thought the red part of his face that peeks through the beard was his MOUTH and those jingle bells on the hat were his eyes. You see it? Kind of weird looking, eh? (sorry, Santa, you KNOW I love you!! :)

Oh, I also want to mention that I might post more than once a day, some days. I get kind of carried away when it comes to Christmas!!


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